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…. still looking for must…

May 20, 2017

Today Elle Luna, the author of ‘the crossroads of should and must’, challenges us to write our obituary, the one we really want people to read and the one that is actually likely to be written..

She references Roz Savage as the inspiration for this exercise.  Roz sat down, wrote both obituaries, reread them…. and then decided to row across the ocean… which she did, 3 of them to be exact…. ROWED ACCROSS THREE OCEANS…. I know you heard it the first time, but think about it….. rowed across three oceans… Hmmm, I think her obituary will be very interesting reading!

Just thinking about it, drops my jaw!  Apparently life lived fully requires guts, courage, fearlessness as well as a plan!

OMG.  Initially I was inspired, then I was overwhelmed, then I felt hopeless, doomed to an ordinary life… and then I began to write … and decided that guts, courage and fearlessness is different for each of us… and if we do ONE thing that is outside our comfort zone and requires a plan, we too exhibit guts, courage and fearlessness.

.. AND, we likely have already exhibited much guts, courage and fearlessness already as our lives unfold.  Much of the time, life sneaks up on us, forcing us to confront unplanned events and experiences, bringing out the best we have as we navigate new pathways.  Sometimes we go outside our comfort zone, not really knowing how it will end, but willing to  try…  I am thinking about the year I decided to ride my bike 400 miles across the state of Iowa along with 20,000 new best friends (RAGBRAI)… I was 60 years old, had never ridden more than 10 miles at a time… I just decided to do it… Be very clear, I trained my heart out… and then just did it…. just did it, took that heavy mom bike over to the far end of Iowa, and rode it every day for a week… hundreds of miles!

As I prepare for my new semi-retired life, soon to be fully retired life, I read and think and plan for an open mind, new experiences, risks, directions………and need to remember I have already created quite a life!

I can do ANYTHING… (I was singing ‘I am woman, hear me roar’)….  AH, so freshly rebooted, I am open … to LIFE.. to daily life… to finding new experiences life, to real life..

Where are you on this journey?  Have you been fearless?  What is next?

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